Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Just a welcome

I have been working for the library for 8 years. Was it a quiet existence? Not really. Considering the trash can being set on fire and the people who aren't house-trained, being a librarian is pretty amusing and interesting at times. And never quiet.

Well, I may not be the most witty librarian in the world, but I thought it was high time to share some of the adventures I've had. As for example, our nursing home field trip day, in which many elderly came into the library and had issues to complain about. One right after another.

(Not that I have anything against the elderly, mind. But when you owe a fine, you owe a fine. Stop complaining and pay it. Especially if it's only $3.50.)

And of course the children...

We have a family that comes in almost every single day. The son and daughter hit each other, annoy other patrons, and run around, while the mother messes around on the computer. When we ask her to take care of her children, (and mostly the son, since he's the real problem. The daughter is old enough to sit still at her own computer when she's on it) the mother says in a quiet voice, "Son. Come sit down. Son. You shouldn't do that." Like she doesn't even care.

So we've taken to kicking them all off the computers if they don't behave.

Well, yesterday, they returned a hard-cover childrens picture book BENT IN HALF. This was a new book. There was no note saying that it had already been damaged and it was perfectly fine on check out. And yet the mother claimed it was already like that, and then she told someone else the sun did it. No, that's not a typo. She meant the sun in the sky bent a hardcover book in half. Eh?! Yea, that was our reaction.

Then she asked our branch manager how it had gotten like that. As if our manager would know what had happened while the book was in this lady's possession.

Well, I hope to share more interesting stories with you as the days progress. Stick around and have fun.

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